
4166 Route 40, Buffalo Twp, PA 15323

Active #1670217
Buffalo TwpWashington County
Apartment, Fastfood, Restaurant1.5 Acres
Fantastic opportunity to own Kim's Korner, a very profitable established business that has been owner operated for 40 years but now they are retiring. The business has operated seasonally in the summer months, There is great potential to expand the business. Currently the business is primarily ice cream and sandwiches. All of the business equipment is included with the sale. There are two additional rental spaces, a upstairs 2 Bedroom apartment and a commercial space on the ground level. There is an additional building that is used as a pantry for Kim's Corner.
Listed ByDoug Burig(724) 941-8811
General Information
Business Name Kim's Korner
For Sale Building, Business, Equipment, Land
Lot Size 1.5 acres
Taxes $2,200
Zoning Comm
Exterior Features
Access State
Construction Aluminum
Loading Dock No
Parking 25
Interior Features
Freight Elevator No
Office Sqft 900
Warehouse Sqft 1,200
Utilities Available Electricity


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Listed ByDoug Burig(724) 941-8811

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